1. Download Buku Kunci Jawaban Emua Lks Kelas 10 Semester 2 Ktsp

Tulisan uji kompetensi bahasa Inggris kelas XI semester 1 beserta jawabannya dalam bentuk PG (Pilihan Ganda) berikut ini, berisikan materi yang sama dengan, yaitu tentang kinds of expression, narrative text, english pronuciation, the steps of wrting a narrative text and grammar focus. Tentunya contoh soal yang ada, sangat cocok bagi guru dalam pembuatan soal ulangan harian, MID/Test semeter ganjil dan bagi siswa bisa menjadi media pembelajaran online, sebelum menghadapi ujian yang sesungguhnya.(Baca juga: )Berikut, contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester ganjil dan kunci jawabannya (KTSP), dilengkapi dengan beberapa pembahasan soal yang memang dianggap perlu.Choose the best answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e!No. 1 to 10 refer to the text belowAn old lion realized one day that due to old age he was too weary and weak to hunt for his food. Sadly, he approached his den knowing that soon he would perish. He stopped at the entrance, and breathed difficulty, spoke in a low, soft voice to a pack of wolves which was passing by his den at the moment. He told them of his sad condition.Soon, the news of the lion’s illness spread throughout the forest and caused much concern among the other beasts.

Download Buku Kunci Jawaban Emua Lks Kelas 10 Semester2

Saya mau infokan bahwa siapa saja yang mau kunci jawaban untuk buku intan pariwara kelas 10 maupun kelas 11 semseter 1 dan semester 2.Untuk buku intan pariwara terbitan terbaru maupun lama. Silakan hubungi nomor ini 087-777-721-998 Trmksh. Reply Delete. Mar 19, 2012 - Berikut ini adalah Download Buku Siswa Jenjang SMP/MTs. Langsung saja download Buku Kurikulum 2013 SMA-SMK-MA Kelas 10-11-12 Semester 2-1 Edisi. Mohon izin download soal seni tari dan kunci jawaban Kelas II SMA. Soal UTS Kelas XII (12) SMA Semester 1 Semua Mata Pelajaran,.

Out of pity, the animals came one by one to pay their last respects.The old lion was very happy. As each animal entered has den and came within reach, the lion pounced on it and made it his meal. Very soon, the lion became fatEarly in the morning, the fox came. He had come to pay his respects too. The fox, well-known for his wits and intelligence, approached the lion’s den with extreme caution. Standing some distance away, he politely enquired about the lion’s health and asked him if he was feeling any better.“My dear friend,” said he lion, “is it you? I can hardly see you.

Download Buku Kunci Jawaban Emua Lks Kelas 10 Semester 2 Ktsp

You are so far away. Please come closer and whisper some words into my ears to console me for i have not long to live.The fox, meanwhile, had been observing closely the ground in front of the lion’s den. At las, he looked up, and truning to go away, he remarked, “Please excuse me if i do not stay, for i feel quite uneasy at seeing the many footprints leading into your den, but none leaving it.”1. Why were the lion’s hunting days over?a. The animals found out about the lion’s illnessb. There were no more animals to huntc.

The wolves always beat the liond. The lion is getting older and weakere. The lion was too strongJawaban: dPembahasan: sekarang Sang Singa semakiin tua dan semakin lemah2. These words support the view of the lion’s sad codndition, except.a.

Too weary and weakc. Approached his dend. Breathing difficultye. Has an ilnessJawaban: c3. The old lion was very happy. This means that.a. Many animals visited the lon out of pityb.

The lion didn’t had to hunt for his foodc. Each animal that entered the den showed their respectd. The lion became fate.

The lion was desperateJawaban: bPembahasan: Sang Singa merasa senang dengan kunjungan hewan-hewan penghuni hutan karena dengan demikian ia tidak perlu lagi berburu mangsa4. The footprints tell us that.a. The pack of wolves passed the lion’s denb. So many animals pay their respects to the old lionc. The animals which entred the cave did not leave the cave alived. The lion is getting better and healthiere. The animlas want the lion passed away soonJawaban: cPembahasan: jejak-jejak kaki yang ada menunjukkan kepada kita bahwa hewan-hewan yang memasuki sarang singa tersebut tidak pernah keluar hidup-hidup5.

In what ways are the lion and the fox the same?a. The lion and the fox are both respectableb. The lion and the fox are both strongc. The lion and the fox are botch cleverd.

The lion and the fox are both honeste. The lion and the for are patientJawaban: cPembahasan: Singa dan rubah tersebut sama-sama cerdik6. What kind of quality is the writer trying to say through the fox’s character?a. You may save you life by using your wits and intelligenceb.

Show respect by visiting a sick friendc. Wehn entering a lions den. Be extremely cautiond. Stand some distance away if you are facing a lione. Earlyin the morning, the fox cameJawaban: aPembahasan: dengan kecerdasan dan akal kita bisa menyelamatkan hidup kita7. What is the best title fo the story above?a.

A lying Lionb. A Lying Foxd. A Lying Fox and Lione. A Lion KingJawaban: a8. An old lion realize one day that due to old age he was too weary and weak to hunt for his food.

The italicized word has the closet meaning with.a. BoldJawaban: c9. “Please excuse me if I do not stay, for I feel quite uneasy at seeing the many footprints leading into your den.The italicized word has the closet meaning with.a.

EnjoyJawaban: d10. From the story above we can assume that fox represents a characteristic of a. StubbornJawaban: b/d11.

Which of the expressions below to ask for an opinion?a. I think we have to study harder from nowb. Sally, what do you say about math test today?c.

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Handi, do you want to join me in the concert?d. I hope I have the right time to see here.

I ask for the apologizeJawaban: bPembahasan: kalimat b merupakan kalimat untuk menanyakan pendapat12. Which of the following is not the elemnt of a narrative text?a. The character’s famed. TimeJawaban: c13. “I warn you not to step on the grass”.

The statement above is used for.a. Giving a warningb. Giving suggestionc.


Asking permissiond. Giving opinione.

Giving orderJawaban: a14. The computer program helps students to complete their taskThe italicized words is considered as a.a. Noun phrasee. AdverbJawaban: dPembahasan: computer program adalah sebuah noun phrase15. Narrative text can be found in the following, except.a. LegendJawaban: aLanjut ke soal nomor 16-30 =.

The word tornado comes from Spanish language andmeans to twist or turn. A tornado is a whirlwind produced byatmospheric conditions, mainly extremely low pressure, duringa severe thunderstorm.Tornadoes usually turn counterclockwise. They appear as funnel shaped columns of violently rotating winds that reach down from a storm and touch the ground. Althougha tornado is not always visible to the eye, tornadic conditions can still bepicked up on radar, or the tornado may become visible once debris and dirtare pulled into it.